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You know you want to create content to attract your ideal audience to your website and offers, but when you sit down to write you completely blank on blog post ideas!
In this post, I am discussing 10 evergreen blog post ideas every business owner needs to have on their website. These blog post ideas are relevant for beginners and established business owners alike and will help you build a solid content creation strategy.
Don’t blog, but create video content or podcast episodes? This article will be relevant to you no matter what type of content you create!
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Evergreen content (aka pillar or cornerstone content) is in-depth and very informative content that has a long lifespan and greatly serves your audience and yourself indefinitely.
This type of content is foundational for your blog and establishes you as an authority in your niche.
When I was transitioning from a hobby blogger to a business owner with a blog, these were the first types of blog posts I focused on writing to attract my audience to my website and what I had to offer. To this day, my pillar blog posts I wrote years ago still drive a significant portion of traffic to my site, grow my email list daily, and generate sales.
There is a lot that goes into writing a good blog post, so you don’t want to focus all your efforts on posts that are time-sensitive and will be irrelevant in a few weeks or months.
You want to be sure that a lot of the content you are creating has a long “shelf-life.” Meaning that you want to create content that will be relevant to your readers for many years.
The following 10 blog post ideas are evergreen posts. You should make it a priority to add these to your blog if you are already blogging or when you start. They will lay the foundation for your business.
This evergreen blog post idea is an extremely detailed, in-depth explanation of a specific topic related to your niche.
Think of it as a comprehensive guide for your reader.
It should include all the basics and leave your reader feeling significantly informed about the topic.
You should be answering frequently asked questions about your topic and include additional or missing information that your competitors leave out.
A good beginner’s guide/ultimate guide blog post should also include a detailed outline of steps with relevant graphics, charts, and/or video to aid in explaining the subject further.
A Showit Website: Is it right for you and your business?
This pillar post is all about myth-busting!
What are some common myths or misunderstandings within your niche that need to be cleared up before your ideal reader can move forward?
Think of 4-5 myths that surround your niche topic and explain why they are not true.
Every niche has resources and/or tools dedicated specifically to that industry.
What are the resources and tools that you have used to gain your knowledge or develop your skills and talents?
What have you used to get you where you are today that your readers need to know about?
This could include:
5 Essential Knitting Tools You Need to Knit a Blanket
Essential Baking Tools & Resources
10 Books Every Entrepreneur Needs to Read
My essential tools and resources blog post for this site includes mostly hardware and software that I use to run a profitable business.
A tools and resources post is also a great opportunity to earn some affiliate income.
How-to or tutorial blog posts are among the most popular with people and therefore get shared most often.
The goal is to teach your ideal customer how to do something.
You want to make sure that your tutorials are simple and straightforward. It would also be beneficial to record a video tutorial and embed it on your blog if possible.
So, what type of how-to blog posts should you write?
Think back to when you were a beginner … What did you find challenging? What is your audience struggling with?
Think about what types of tutorials will improve your readers’ lives and benefit them.
A well-written how-to post will help drive a ton of traffic to your site.
Some examples for various niches include:
How to…
This evergreen blog post idea involves a very detailed and comprehensive review of a product, service, or software.
The review should be on something specific to your niche or something closely related and relevant to helping people looking for information in your industry.
People are constantly searching for reviews online before they invest money is something, so these types of posts can be incredibly valuable to your audience.
It is important to note that you need to have used or currently use this product/service/software in order to write an in-depth review that is beneficial to your reader. You can’t effectively review something you have never used yourself.
Here’s an example of an in-depth review I did on legal pages you need for your blog and website.
People love a good list!
It is a one-stop-shop for a bunch of great ideas in one convenient place. List posts are often shared on social media because they are fun and enticing to read.
But I’m not just talking about a quick numbered blog post from 1-100 and you are done. If you are creating a list post as part of your evergreen content strategy, then you want to make sure it is highly detailed and valuable to your ideal customer. It also needs to stand the test of time as a pillar post, so forget lists that are tied to the current year’s trends.
There will be times when a quick 1-20 list will do, but when it comes to a pillar list, think long-lasting and quality over quantity of items.
Focus on 5 – 10 things in a list and go into greater detail with each item.
The post you are currently reading is an example of a pillar list blog post.
Another great evergreen blog post idea is the comparison post. This is where you take two different products, services, software, etc in your niche and compare them. ( _____ vs. ______.) You will give an in-depth review of two things including the pros and cons of each. Then you will state your conclusion of which you think is best at the end.
This helps you build your authority in your niche. It also provides a great opportunity once again for affiliate income.
Think of your niche and brainstorm what two things people compare in your industry.
Here are a few examples from various niches to get your brain thinking in this direction
If you want to see real examples of a comparison post, I have compared:
WordPress vs. Showit: An Honest Comparison
Squarespace vs. Showit: An Honest Comparison
A before and after blog post allows you to show a transformation. How was something/someone like before and what does it/do they look like now?
Some examples include:
A before and after room makeover if you are in the DIY design niche
Before I started ‘x diet’ and After ‘x’ number of months on ‘x diet’
The before and after makeup tutorial
Before and after web design
This could be your own transformation or one of your student’s/client’s transformations. Make sure to include before and after photos, graphs, data, etc. to visually show the transformation if possible.
This is a website before and after video I posted on YouTube but it could easily be turned into a Before & After blog post with screen shots.
A case study post is a very valuable one to have and explains how you or someone you have worked with got a specific result in a specific amount of time.
Case study blog posts are particularly powerful in communicating the value of the products and services you offer.
You want to break down the exact steps that you or a student/customer of yours took to get ‘X’result.
Start with an intro that leads into describing the challenge being faced when writing the post. Then identify what you/they tried as a solution to their problem and the benefits/advantages involved.
Finally, end with the result that you/they got from said solution and how it has improved you/their happiness, health, relationship, business, or whatever it may be.
Some examples include:
How I grew my traffic by 10,000 using Pinterest
My client Sarah went from exhausted to energized in 30 days
How Dave went from burning toast to cooking gourmet meals in 2 weeks
Everyone loves a good story AND your story is what helps set you apart from other bloggers in your niche.
People follow people, not brands.
Sharing your story gives your audience a better understanding of who you are. Don’t worry if your story doesn’t feel exciting enough to share. Your journey doesn’t have to involve shocking circumstances or exciting events to resonate with others, in fact, a simpler story will likely be more relatable to your audience.
Be sure to include:
Sharing your story helps your readers build a connection with you. People choose to work with those they know, like, and trust.
There you have it. 10 evergreen/pillar blog post ideas you need to have on your blog!
These blog posts are in-depth and take a good amount of time to write, so you don’t have to focus on all of them at once. You can include other blog posts into your schedule, but I recommend creating at least one or two of these a month as you grow your business.
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[…] you need to start writing some pillar content to educate and help your ideal customer, get them on your email list, and start building a […]
[…] Learn more about pillar content in my post, 10 Blog Post Ideas Every Blogger Needs to Write. […]