The Website Without Stress Workshop is back - January 27-29th

Should I Start a YouTube Channel for my Blog?

  1. Lucjan says:


    I’ve created my YouTube channel but I’m holding back posting videos. It’s hard for someone who has never done it to worry about how will he/she be portrayed.

    My blog has 113 articles but zero videos.

    English not being my native adds to the worry…

    • Maureen says:

      Thanks for commenting Lucjan. I understand how it can be hard to put yourself out there with video. My best advice is not to let thoughts of what others think of you determine your decisions and your success. You will have some that resonate with your message and love your videos and others that won’t. If you are worried about your English, you can simply use your blog post and speak it to the camera. I highly suggest giving it a try.