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“You need to be building an email list!”
You’ve probably heard this advice before but you may not know exactly why this is so important.
Whether you are just starting out or you are growing your business, every day you wait to start an email list is lost revenue!
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An email list is essential for the growth of your income and impact!
In this post, I am breaking down 6 reasons why it is so important to start collecting your audiences’ email addresses right away.
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An email list is something you have full control over.
You do not own any of the social media platforms or your followers on those accounts. That means you can’t control it!
If Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or any other social media platform you are on decides to shut down your account one day, you lose all of your content and followers. All your years of hard work are gone.
With an email list, no one else gets to decide how or when you communicate with your audience. It gives you a direct line to your audience. One that isn’t disrupted by social media algorithms, changes in platform policies, or the whims of search engine rankings.
You have complete control.
Over 75% of website visitors will never return to your website after their first visit if you do not capture their email address.
This fact alone is reason enough to be building an email list!
Get access to my FREE Email Marketing Mini Course right now
So many people are concerned with getting “more traffic” to their site, rather than focusing on how to convert the traffic they do get into leads -aka email subscribers- that they can then educate further and continually bring back to their website, content, offers, etc.
Once a new subscriber opts in to be on your email list via a freebie of some sort, they should receive at least a few automated emails from you over the next week or two.
This is referred to as a welcome sequence and it allows your new leads to learn more about you and receive value that helps them trust you & realize that you can help them with their pain points.
Your new subscribers can also directly reply to your emails and ask questions. These conversations help you to build a strong relationship with your audience.
Your subscribers will become your most loyal supporters and customers.
When you send an email to your list and include a link to your newest blog post, podcast, video, sales page, etc. a percentage of people will click on the link and go check it out.
That means that with a press of the send button, you can instantly get traffic to your site!
If you consistently offer value to your list, you will have a warm audience that is ready to buy when you have an affiliate product or your own service or digital product to share.
This leads to maybe the biggest reason why you need to be building an email list for your business…
According to Smart Insights, Email marketing has an average return on investment (ROI) of $42 for every $1 spent, making it one of the most cost-effective marketing channels available.
That’s a 4,200 ROI!!
And in my free mini course, I show you how to set up a free account in ConvertKit step-by-step for up to 10,000 subscribers. So you don’t even have to purchase a plan when you are starting out, which saves you even more money!
Plus a study done by Mckinsey & Co found that email marketing is up to 40 times more effective than social media and the purchasing rate is 3 times faster, as well!
You don’t need to have a massive list either.
100 email subscribers that want to hear from you will fuel your business far more than a 1,000 followers on social media who aren’t always seeing your content.
It has been said that every email subscriber should equal an extra dollar of revenue each month if you are consistently nurturing your audience and adding value. So if you have 100 subscribers and your product or service helps solve their problem, you could estimate an extra $100/month.
Are you convinced yet? If so, grab my free mini course here or check out my full paid Email Marketing Blueprint course here.
Email is still the BEST way to reach your audience.
99% of email users check their inbox daily, so if you have an important message that you want to ensure your audience receives, email is still your best bet.
Small business owners spend over seven hours a week on social media marketing on average. But only 3-5% of your audience actually sees it and engages with it.
With algorithm changes occurring frequently on social media sites, less and less of your audience is seeing your messages. In the past few years, the majority of social media platforms have shifted to more of a “pay to play” model with promoted ads.
When someone gives you their email address, they are making a conscious choice to sign up and receive information from you. They are giving you permission to keep in touch with them.
When people talk about making passive income, one of the top ways that they do this is through email marketing.
I am consistently building an email list via opt-in forms on my website and within my blog posts.
Once someone is on my list, an automated email sequence that I set up goes out to them. In the specific sequence, I provide a ton of value. I also give them the next step to help them solve their problem – my product or service for a limited-time discounted price.
It’s the #1 way I drive profits in my business consistently Every. Single. Month.
You set up your email automation once and then let it work for you over and over again – while you’re sleeping, on vacation, or spending time with family & friends.
Get access to my FREE Email Marketing Mini Course right now
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