Real Estate Website Without Stress Training

How to stand out from your competition and generate quality leads automatically without relying on outdated marketing techniques or spending countless hours on social media 

Even if you are:  Tech-challenged & short on time!

Who this is for:   Real Estate professionals who are ready to increase their visibility & reach, develop more credibility & trust in their field, and start bringing in quality leads on autopilot with their own website.

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Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You're struggling to stand out in the highly competitive real estate field

  • You have had a plateau in listings over the past 3+ months

  • You are spending 1-2 hours+ every day creating content for social media and posting multiple times a day trying desperately to build trust and credibility with your potential clients with little to no return on your efforts.

  • Dedicating 2+ hours every week networking and then sending potential clients to a site you don't own- i.e. your generic page on your brokerage's real estate website that looks exactly like all the other agents' sites at your firm

What you're going to learn in this free training

  • 3 mistakes you are making that are costing you time & money in your field that a strategic website will fix.
  • 3 pillars you need working together for a successful real estate site that increases visibility, builds credibility & trust & generates leads on autopilot for you.
  • 5 things your website MUST have to convert visitors into leads & clients.
  • How to get your entire strategic real estate website launched in the next few days or weeks, even if you are not tech savvy, and/or are limited on time!

Hey there!

I'm Maureen.

I am a Showit web designer & website template creator who is passionate about helping service providers and real estate professionals stand out and sell more without the stress!

With over 10 years of experience in the online space, I am here to help you create a stunning & strategic website that sets you apart in the real estate field WITHOUT spending months on DIY or wasting money on a web designer who doesn't understand how to create a website that converts visitors into leads and clients.  

I like to say that my online journey started with a boy, a big challenge, and a blog.

I started blogging back in 2014, documenting our family’s experience raising my 3-year-old son who was diagnosed with Selective Mutism.

Over time I turned our mess into a message with a strategic website & content that allowed me to showcase my expertise and help others.

This opened so many doors and revenue streams for me and my family including online courses, digital products, speaking engagements, a best-selling journal on Amazon for kids with anxiety, and a children's book with a traditional publisher released in the fall of 2021.

As I began encouraging other professionals to build their own online presence, I realized that many were getting stuck and frustrated when it came to the tech and design involved with building a strategic website that brought in leads and sales.

I knew I could serve so many others with my knowledge and so was born!

Real Estate
Website Without Stress Training 

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